In our store, there are goods that are in stock and goods that we produce after receiving the order sent by you, in order to find out this information, please pay attention to the information about the availability of goods near the button to add goods to the shopping cart. The production time of the goods may change up or down depending on the production load and other factors beyond our control. You can always refine the production time of your order with us upon request. If possible, we try to reduce the production time and try to do our work as quickly as possible, but not at the expense of quality.

Items in stock are usually shipped within 1-3 working days of ordering, unless they are ordered along with other items that require production.


We ship worldwide by post or courier services, delivery time depends on the specific delivery service, destination country customs and other factors. We cannot guarantee the delivery time of services beyond our control and try to work only with trusted providers of such services. You can find out more about the cost and delivery time during the ordering process.

Please pay attention to the customs fees in your country, we do not pay these fees and they depend on each individual case. When making a purchase in our store, you pay for the cost of the goods and its delivery, the cost of the customs fee (if it occurred during delivery) is not included in this amount.


All products offered in our store are made to order. Besides they are made of specific materials which may lose presentation after fitting. These products are included in category of lingerie, hosiery and intimate items which may not be returned or replaced (exception is manufacturing defects).

We want you to be completely satisfied with purchasing in our store. In case of any defects in manufacturing and/or our mistakes in ordered options we will provide substitution of goods or make corrections free of charge. 

Our refund policy is quite strict because we follow high quality standards. Returned product must not look worn, must be in perfect condition and clean. We can not accept item which is dirty or damaged including marks of dressing aid or shiner (this point relates to latex products). In this case the product will be sent back to customer at his expense.

For returning or changing the garment you can contact us.